Asian False Vampire

subversive clothing store

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The feeling of anxiety is part of modern societies and it is and was insistently included in pop culture, music,art and literature

Pink sweatshirt

Card image cap

Every brand has a logo, we have an Asian False Vampire.

White shirt

Card image cap
Equality but distortion

Acceptance of distortion is the only way we can achieve equality

White shirt

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Happiness is a chemical reaction

There are many kinds of sweeteners surrounding us. Ads, songs, smiles, poses, coments, all produce a fake state of happiness.

Blue sweatshirt

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Anxiety Grey

During the 90´s be afraid of future or feel existential anxiety was a recurrent topic.

Grey sweatshirt

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Rubbish beach

We could call this an honest souvenir. Many beaches are not a paradise anymore, they look more like a giant trash can, thanks to us.

White shirt


Asian False Vampire is a brand of clothing. Asian False Vampire is also a very ugly BAT originally from Asia. All garments are designed in Berlín and made using high quality materials. We are very respectful with the environment and human rights. Inspired by my favourite things and people * in this world. I draw what I feel like.

* Bats, Bret Easton Ellis,Martin Paar, winter beaches, grunge, Berlin, electric guitars, jokes nobody get, Diablo Cody, all of my adorable and sometimes hateable friends and relatives, Douglas Coupland, Radiohead lyrics, Dieter Rams, sacarsm ...

Get in touch


A Coruna

Opening hours 24/7

Frequently Asked Questions

Asian False Vampire is a brand of clothing. Asian False Vampire is also a very ugly BAT originally from Asia.
We want to be sure that when you decide to buy one of our designs you know that the whole process of production, from the primary materials to the printing is made following high standards of quality, eco-friendliness, sustainability and human rights.
Our printing partner is based in Europe and the US. They use the latest technology to guarantee a 100% waterless printing process and the use of biodegradable ink. Our pullovers and shirts are made by one of the largest vertically integrated manufacturers in the world. Their work policies focus on conserving the environment, and treating employees with respect while providing them with rewarding, safe and healthy work environments.
You can find all of these garments and more in our online shop. We ship worldwide for free !!!